Saturday, January 3, 2009

The PI Finally Gets it Right

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is a prime example of biased left-wing media, or, as such is known locally "fair and honest reporting." However, columnist Robert L. Jamieson, Jr. recently resurrected journalism in the PI with his defense and justification of the recent fatal shooting of a University of Washington student by Seattle police.

As college students tend to possess an excess of education and a dearth of reason and Seattle is a mecca of socialist-anarchist progressive egocentric elitism, no doubt a disturbing percentage of Miles Murphy's neighbors feel that the police should have, without preconditions, negotiated with a military-uniformed man who greeted them with a loaded gun and refused to put it down. Maybe they should have considered Mr. Murphy's feelings and asked him nicely.

The kind of people who live in the PI's circulation area have a remarkably selective ability to empathize. Their hearts bleed for uneducated single welfare mothers who bear an additional two or three kids for taxpayers to feed and clothe and for captured terrorists whose living quarters are far nicer than those of most American soldiers. However, the majority of U district residents spare no thought for the police officers who were dispatched that night to protect them and face down gun-waving youths and make wrenching, split-second decisions so that you will not have to.

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